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Montessori in the Home - Primary

Our second parent gathering in September we discussed how to integrate the Montessori philosophy in the home for children of all ages. Infants, Toddler, and Primary age families learned how to set up different areas in the home to foster independence while Elementary teachers shared what tasks and responsibilities older children should participate in at home for daily “homework.” In this blog post, we discuss ways to promote independence for Primary students.

"It is surprising to notice that even from the earliest age, man finds the greatest satisfaction in feeling independent. The exalting feeling of being sufficient to oneself comes as a revelation.”

~ Maria Montessori

At this age a child is learning and mastering valuable skills for life! Skills of independence! The best way to master and utilize such skills is through practice, practice, practice in ALL environments a child spends time in.

How can we provide this practice for our children in the home?

  • Allow the child safe access to all he/she might need throughout the day! (Clothes, shoes, jacket, healthy snacks, water, toys, puzzles, books, art materials, tissues, trash, table & chair, etc.)

  • Invite the child to have responsibilities throughout the day! (Be more helpful and less burdensome. Help put love and positive energy into the home. Feel pride and independence!)

  • Keep a clutter free environment! (Clutter is confusing, uninviting, uncomfortable, and sends the message that disorder is OK)

  • Invite the child to make choices! Allow access to 2-3 options (Not more!)

  • Allow (patiently!) for mistakes to happen and always suggest and demonstrate how to resolve the problem! Child helps as well!

Each part of the home can have a special (safe) space in which the child can foster independence and have responsibilities! This invites the child to feel as an important part of the home!

"The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.”

~ Maria Montessori

“The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.”

~ Maria Montessori

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”

~ Maria Montessori


  • Access to 1-3 outfits Mirror (child level) Light (accessible to child) Low shelf with (few) books, toys, etc.


  • Step stool Access to soap, towel, toothbrush & paste, trash, toilet paper, laundry basket, etc.


  • Low shelf/drawer for child’s dishes only

  • Space in fridge for child’s snacks/drinks

  • Child size cleaning utensils


  • Accessible table & chair for child


  • Space for child’s (few) books, toys, puzzles,drawing materials, etc.


  • Low shelves with space for child’s books, toys, puzzles, art materials, dress up clothes, etc.

  • Mirror, Mats, Child size table & chair(s)


  • Hooks at child level for jacket(s), hat,umbrella, bag, etc.

  • Space for child’s shoes only

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