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Parent Handbook

Welcome and Mission


We are so glad you have chosen Bay Montessori as the educational environment for your child. You are a valued member of our learning community, and we look forward to partnering with you to bring out the best in your child. 


Our mission at Bay Montessori School is to empower children to realize their unique potential as competent, contributing members of society. The school follows the Montessori philosophy, which guides the students to become lifelong learners who respect themselves, others, and their environment.


Our program focuses on the development of the whole child, providing personalized attention and student-centered lessons while creating a rich and broad variety of experiences.


Our environment promotes independence, so the child is able to do things himself. The classrooms are prepared in such a way that allows freedom of movement and choice.


Our teachers “follow the child”, because the child will reveal what they need to know, what they need to develop in themselves, and in what areas they need to be challenged.


Bay seeks to have a diverse student body and has a non-discriminatory policy for students. The school has no religious affiliation and is open to all children between the ages of six weeks and twelve years of age, regardless of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.


Goals and Aims:

Bay Montessori staff will:


  • Guide each child to reach his or her full potential in all areas of life

  • Provide an environment enriched with materials that meet the developmental needs of the child

  • Allow the child to learn at his or her own pace, educating each child as an individual

  • Promote the development of social skills, self-esteem, emotional growth, and physical coordination

  • Prepare the environment, guide the child to it, and assist in the unfolding of the child’s being

  • Maintain a strong academic base while practicing life skills like problem-solving, courtesy, and self-expression — thus creating happy, confident, and independent children

  • Guide character development by teaching empathy, compassion, helpfulness, responsibility, and respect for differences



Elements of the Bay Educational Program


Lead Teachers in school-age classrooms hold bachelor’s degrees and credentials from training programs accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE). Infant and Toddler teachers hold credentials with the state through Childcare Administration.


Every classroom is designed to provide opportunities for indoor and outdoor learning.


Children/students have opportunities for educational enrichment, including music, art, foreign language, physical education, drama, library, and STEM. These co-curricular activities are integrated into the Montessori work period and classroom environment.


Student progress assessment focuses on developmental capacities, such as social-emotional growth, critical thinking, physical coordination, impulse control, and self-organization as well as academic achievement.


Parent/Teacher Conferences occur twice a year, in November and February.


Bay students have opportunities to test their knowledge and skills on the SAT test at the end of 3rd and 6th grade.


The average class size is as follows:


  • The Infant and Toddler classes serve 6 children each with infants being between the ages of 6 weeks to 15 months and toddlers between the ages of 12 to 24 months. Each class has a state-credentialed Infant/Toddler Teacher and an Assistant.


  • The Preprimary class (also known as the Two’s) serves 12 children ages 24 to 36 months (or until developmentally ready) with one credentialed Montessori Infant/Toddler Teacher and an Assistant.


  • The Primary morning program serves 26 children ages 2 ½  to 6 years with one credentialed Montessori Teacher and one Assistant. Each Kindergarten class (afternoon) has 8 – 10 children ages 4 ½ - 6, guided by a Montessori Teacher.


  • The Lower Elementary program serves 30 children ages 6 – 9, (grades 1-3) with a credentialed Montessori Teacher and an Assistant.


  • The Upper Elementary program serves 15-20 children ages 9 – 12, (grades 4-6) with a credentialed Montessori Teacher and an Assistant.


  • Beginning in 2024, The Adolescent program will serve children ages 12-14, (grades 7-8) with a credentialed Montessori Teacher and other curriculum area teachers.


The School Year:


The academic school year is from late August through early June. The school year begins on a staggered basis for preschool students with the returning children starting first. This staggered start allows for a smooth transition for the classroom and each student. Since Montessori provides individualized learning, a child may begin at any time during the school year. The Kindergarten and elementary student's school year is 170 days.


Hours of Operation:


                        Morning Montessori                9 am to 12 pm (2 – 4-year-olds)


                        Full Day Montessori                 9 am to 3 pm (Kindergarten and Elementary only)


                        Before/After School hours      8 am to 9 am (all ages)

                                                                            12pm to 3 or 5pm (2, 3, & 4 Year olds)

                                                                             3 pm to 5 pm (5-12-Year-olds)


*Please note that Before/After School hours are daycare and not part of the educational program.


Out of School Services: 


Bay Montessori School offers “Out of School (OOS)” extended care services on many days on which school is closed (professional days, Spring Break, Winter Break, Parent/Teacher Conferences, and select holidays). Space in these classrooms will be limited, so advance registration is required. Space will be filled based on the order registration forms received. If on any given day, there are insufficient students signed up for care, the school has the right to cancel this service and will inform parents 14 days prior to the Day. Please note that childcare hours for these days are condensed to 8 am to 4 pm. Late pick-ups will result in the same additional fees as aftercare during the school year. 


This service is open to any student at Bay. The fee for this service is not included in the annual contracted extended care fees. The fee is $50/day and is due with the registration form no later than August 15th. Once registered you may move or switch days within the school year (with notice and available space), but refunds will only be provided if Bay cancels your registered days’ services.


Please note: On Noon Dismissal Professional Days, childcare will be provided until 5:00 pm for all students contracted for aftercare services. The fee for these afternoons is included in the annual contracted extended care fees and is not open to students who are not enrolled in the contracted PM extended care. The last Day of school is a Noon Dismissal Day for all students and childcare will not be provided afternoon. 


Infant/Toddler Calendar:


The Infant/Toddler classrooms are open all days that school or OOS is open.


Home-School Communications


In every Bay classroom, students are guided to learn, practice, and adhere to a set of social agreements – what Maria Montessori called the behaviors of “Grace and Courtesy.” These agreements form the bedrock of respectful and responsible behavior. As adult caregivers, Bay parents, teachers, and administrators are tasked with being good examples of respectful and responsive communication. To that end, we ask you to honor and practice the following Bay Home-School Communications Guidelines.


  • Be direct, immediate, and transparent about your needs and concerns: Address the issue at hand with the person(s) who can give you the information you require, or help you to resolve the problem. In most cases, this person is your child’s teacher(s) – not a school administrator or fellow parent.

  • Be Respectful: Treat staff, administration, and parents in a professional and respectful manner setting a good example for Bay’s students. Refrain from negative gossip or unsubstantiated criticism that disparages the reputation of the school, staff, parents, or students.

  • Stay informed: Check for email messages and Bloomz posts from the school daily. You will receive a Weekly Update from the administration every week. Classroom teachers will post on Bloomz every Friday. Other emails and posts will come periodically so please check regularly.

  • Avoid email or text messaging when there is a misunderstanding, frustration, or strong feelings. Discussing problems in person – in real-time – allows everyone to be heard and all perspectives considered. Schedule a time with your child’s teacher to be respectful of their time with students.


Any caregiver not respecting the above guidelines may be asked to leave school premises and, in some cases, may be prohibited from access to the school with their child.


Activities planned prior to the start of school to acclimate your child to their school environment


Students ages 6 weeks through Kindergarten will have an Orientation Interview prior to their first Day. The Teacher, Child, and Parent will meet in the classroom for 30 minutes to get to know each other and to introduce the child to the environment. The office will contact you to schedule the Orientation, it will be held several days prior to your child’s start date. The Elementary classes will have an Open House the week before school starts. If your elementary child is joining the program mid-year, they will have a classroom visit during the enrollment process.


All classrooms host a “Back to School” picnic either the week before school starts or the first week of school. This event is for new and veteran families alike. It’s a time to get to know your child’s teachers and meet others in the classroom. We ask that you bring a picnic dinner to enjoy while socializing. 


Student Paperwork


Student forms are collected at the time of enrollment, but some forms require regular updates during your child’s time at Bay. We are required to have you update your Emergency Contact Card annually. You will be prompted to do so by office staff, but we ask you to update any information as it changes. As your child receives immunizations, we ask for you to submit an updated copy of their immunization record. This is further discussed in the Immunization section. With a pool located on campus, Bay’s children ages two and older have the opportunity to swim during the season. An updated swim permission form is needed each year to inform Bay staff of your child’s swim ability. 


Supporting Your Child’s Learning at Home


Here are some ways you can support and enhance your child’s learning and development at home:


  1. Help your child be as independent and self-reliant as possible, by creating shelving and storage space for their clothes, toys, books, technology equipment, personal hygiene items, snack, and eating utensils that are accessible, and within reach.

  2. Consider ways in which your child can contribute to and participate in the upkeep of your home environment, including meal preparation and cleanup; housecleaning; yard work; gardening; washing, drying, and folding clothes; indoor plant care; washing windows, walkways, and cars; sanding, repainting, and repairing furniture; contributing artwork to beautify the house, assembling new equipment; installing software. Show your child how to accomplish these tasks successfully and productively. 

  3. Help your child organize and keep in order their toys or learning materials, and clothing. In the Montessori classroom, we teach “There is a place for everything and everything in its place.” There is strong evidence that an organized and orderly physical environment (at home and in the classroom) promotes calmness, concentration, self-organization, respect, and responsibility.

  4. With the emerging reader, spend time reading with them.

  5. With the more developed reader, spend time discussing material (fiction and nonfiction) that you have both read.

  6. By being a good example of life-work balance, emotional intelligence, and stress management, share with your child ways to de-stress, de-escalate strong emotions, and “reboot” one’s positive attitude and attention.

  7. Create agreements with your child on the healthy, balanced, and ethical use of the internet, TV, and video games.

  8. Be patient with your child.




Bay Montessori is a not-for-profit organization. We use tuition revenue to maintain educational program quality. Your tuition agreement allows Bay to plan for the year to provide for staff compensation and benefits, the purchase of learning materials and equipment, and the maintenance of our buildings and grounds. Therefore, parents are asked to sign a tuition agreement annually. Keeping your tuition payments current enables us to deliver the very best learning experience to every child every Day.


The tuition is an annual fee and may be paid in a variety of increments depending on your preference. The school uses TUITION EXPRESS for automated monthly tuition payments. Tuition Express can debit from a checking/savings account or a Visa or Mastercard.


Additional Fees:


As the student begins to read in the Primary class, they will be assigned reading book sets and workbooks. These are essential for the developing reader. The cost of the books and workbooks will be added to the student’s account based on your child’s progression through the program. Used books are sometimes available.


Each October Bay’s Upper Elementary class travels to Echo Hill Outdoor School (EHOS). Echo Hill Outdoor School offers a curriculum in Chesapeake Bay studies, survival, and more. The campus at EHOS is on the Chesapeake Bay on the eastern shore of MD. The campus provides an outdoor classroom experience in which the students live and learn closely in nature. The purpose of this trip is to give our older students an independent experience away from home, to promote community among our students, and to explore the outdoor classroom. This trip is part of the Upper Elementary curriculum and thus attendance is required unless there is a particular reason your child cannot attend. This trip is an extra fee for parents and is posted on each year’s Schedule of Fees at re-enrollment.


Tuition Assistance:


Bay Montessori School recognizes the value and cost of independent school education and strives to make our Montessori education available to the widest range of students. Financial aid is available for students ages two and older to ensure that children have the opportunity to attend Bay regardless of the family’s financial resources.   




In order to maintain services over the entire year, it is essential that the annual tuition fees be assured. 

Therefore, if a parent signs a Tuition Agreement and then withdraws their child prior to the first Day of school for any reason other than a mandated geographical move, the parent is responsible for the first two monthly payments or the equivalent of 40 school days. It is understood that no reduction or remission of fees can be allowed for absence or withdrawal unless orders dictate relocation outside of the St. Mary’s County area. In such a case, Bay Montessori requires 30 days' written notice for early withdrawals and a copy of such orders. After April 1st, no exceptions are allowed for the reduction or remission of fees for the current school year.  


Each child enters the school on a thirty-day trial basis. During the thirty-day period, the parent or the school may recommend withdrawal without penalty. There is no refund for the 30-day trial period. After thirty days, if the administration decides the child would better succeed in another type of environment, the child may withdraw without penalty.


Staying Healthy and Happy at Bay


Allergies and ongoing health issues can adversely affect children’s learning and the well-being of others in the Bay community. Please let us know if your child has allergies or symptoms of a chronic illness. We will work with you to help maintain the quality and continuity of your child’s learning, in a manner that protects their classroom and the school community.


Out of consideration for your child and other children, please keep your ill child home from school:                                                                                                                           

  • the first Day of a cold or sore throat, as this is the most contagious time

  • when he or she has a persistent, deep cough

  • when he or she has a heavy nasal discharge

  • for twenty-four hours after his or her temperature returns to normal

  • for twenty-four hours after he or she had diarrhea or vomiting if you suspect a virus or illness


If your child comes down with a communicable disease, such as COVID-19, measles, chickenpox, conjunctivitis, or strep throat please notify the office or teacher. The school will notify classroom families when there are two or more cases of any of these communicable diseases within one classroom. Students will have access to outdoor learning and recreation every Day. If you feel your child is too sick to work or play outdoors, please keep them home from school. Bay is not staffed to provide one-on-one care and supervision of children.


If your child becomes ill while at school, you will receive a call from us. If we are unable to reach you within 30 minutes, we will begin calling designated emergency contact individuals kept on your emergency contact card.


COVID-19 Protocol:


Staying up to date on routine vaccinations is essential to prevent illness from many different infections. For COVID-19, vaccination is the leading public health strategy to prevent severe disease. Not only does it provide individual-level protection, but high vaccination coverage reduces the burden of COVID-19 on schools, childcare programs, and communities. The Maryland Department of Health strongly recommends that all eligible Marylanders ages 6 months and older receive all recommended doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, including boosters.


It is recommended that persons with symptoms of COVID-19 should be tested and notify the school if positive. If the test is negative, they may return when symptoms are improved, and they’ve had no fever for 24 hours without medication.


Teachers and students can choose to wear a mask based on personal preference or informed by the personal level of risk to themselves or their household or social contacts. Bay supports voluntary masking for any reason and will ensure bullying does not occur.


The school will follow existing procedures for reporting communicable diseases and immediately notify the local health department of a COVID-19 outbreak. The local health department will recommend control measures in response to the outbreak, including some prevention strategies, which the school will follow. During an outbreak, Bay may ask teachers and students to follow additional protocols to prevent the spread during an outbreak.


We ask families to follow the below guidance for COVID-19 Symptoms, Isolation, and Quarantine: 






















Bay Montessori will administer medication IF the proper paperwork is completed by a doctor. Please DO NOT send medications to school with your child, including over-the-counter drugs, topical creams, or vitamins.


NOTE: Whenever possible, medications are best administered at home, not at school. Additionally, if a child is in need of frequent medication, such as every hour or two, it is best for them to remain at home during this period of recovery.


Emergency Care:


In the event of an accident or sudden onset of illness, the school will not hesitate to seek proper care for a child. The child’s individual emergency instructions on file in the school office will be consulted immediately and the parents will be called. If necessary, the child will be transported to the hospital by ambulance or emergency vehicle. The consent statement, signed by the parents, will accompany the child so that treatment can be given immediately in the absence of the parent. It is vital you keep the emergency contact information in the office current.




In the event of a minor injury, first aid will be administered by a qualified staff member and the child will be made as comfortable as possible. A written injury report will be filled out for any injury requiring first aid and the report will be shown to the parent at the end of the school day. On occasion, parents will be called regarding accidents or injuries that do not require emergency care, but may require a parent's further attention, or for which a parent may want to seek non-emergency medical care.




Maryland requires certain vaccines to be administered before children can enroll and attend school. Bay requires each child to submit a copy of their current vaccination record. Please provide us with an up-to-date immunization record as well as other pertinent health information BEFORE your child’s first Day of school. As your child receives new vaccinations, please submit an updated copy of the vaccination record.


Bay’s Bus Service


Our school offers a bus service for students ages 3 and older.   Our students ride the Kings Christian Academy (KCA) buses with a transfer bus to Bay Montessori School. Students are picked up according to the Kings Christian bus schedule. If a current stop is near your home your child will join this stop. Please be mindful that the stop may not be within walking distance, depending on your location. Students will be transported to KCA by 8:25 am where they will deboard their bus and board the Bay transfer bus. This bus will leave KCA at 8:35 am and arrive at Bay by 8:45. In the afternoon, students utilizing the bus will stay at Bay until 3:10 pm in a brief period of extended care. At 3:10 pm, they will board the transfer bus to KCA. Once at KCA, they will deboard the transfer bus and board their bus to be transported home. If you desire to utilize either the AM or PM bus service, you will need to register with the county’s non-public school transportation system.


Growing Brains Need Good Food


We invite you to help us help your child develop the discipline and delight of healthy eating. There is solid evidence that children who have a balanced and nutritious diet are more engaged learners – exhibiting keener memory and concentration, self-confidence, and positive emotions.


Inviting your child to help in packing their lunch, and choosing their classroom snack contributions, is a great way to engage them in making conscious and constructive food choices. We encourage packing fresh fruits and vegetables and non-processed foods.


Please be sure your child:

  • Has some degree of choice about what they will eat for lunch and snack

  • Is aware of what food items are in their lunch box

  • Can open and close the food containers themselves


Your child’s teachers will help you monitor your child’s food likes (and dislikes) by sending home any uneaten container foods. We will also let you know if your child needs more food than is coming to school. Sometimes their appetites increase during growth spurts.


Snack in the Pre-Primary (2-year-old) class:


The school will provide a morning snack for the class daily.


Snack in the Primary class:


We ask parents to provide snacks on a rotating basis for their classmates in the Yellow and Blue Door classrooms. You will receive a letter explaining this process during the first week of school. The school will provide the snack for the first week of school. 


Snack in the Elementary class:


Elementary students should bring a nutritious snack to be eaten during the morning work cycle. 


Snack in Aftercare:


The school will serve an afternoon snack to all extended day children who remain after 3 pm.

Special Snacks: If at any time you wish to send a special snack for the class, please do with the permission of the teacher, and make sure to follow the nut-free policy.




If your child will be staying for lunch, please send a nutritious variety of food and refrain from sending candy, chocolate, soda, or gum. Milk is provided for all children. We ask that your child’s food be items they can eat independently without needing a bath afterward. Some foods such as spaghetti, rice, and soups are very messy for the young child. These should be saved for home until your child can independently eat them without a huge cleanup.


Nutritious Suggestions: 

  • dried and fresh fruits

  • cooked and raw vegetables

  • granola bars

  • use of different breads to make sandwiches

  • salads

  • crackers with spreads (jelly, peanut butter, tuna, cream cheese, cheese)

  • nuts and seeds (not suitable for children under three because they may choke)


Nut-free Policy: 


Any food served to all children at Bay Montessori School is to be nut free. This includes snacks brought in by parents, birthday treats, and snacks provided by the school. Please read labels and refrain from bringing items stating, “may contain nuts” or “contains nuts”. We are allowing parents to bring in food whose label reads “produced in a facility that also produces nuts”. 


A child may bring any healthy nutritious food for their own lunch if their class does not have any students with severe allergen reactions. This means they can bring peanut butter and other foods containing nuts if their class allows it. All children are supervised and sharing of lunches is not permitted. If a child is enrolled with severe allergen reactions, they will be placed in a nut-free classroom. If you have concerns about your child eating lunch next to a child with nut products, please let us know and we will make special arrangements.


*Infant/Toddler meals and snacks are in the Infant/Toddler section.


School Attire




Students in the Lower and Upper Elementary classes will wear uniforms to school daily. School shirts must be purchased from Lands’ End and embroidered with the school logo. If Lands’ End will not apply our logo to a product, then it is not part of our approved uniform. The shirts are available in white, red, and navy blue. They must be worn every Day with either navy or khaki pants, shorts, a skirt, or a jumper, girls may also wear the dress. The bottoms do not have to be purchased from Lands’ End. You can contact Lands’ End at 1-800-469-2222 or The school code is #9000-3883-7. We have some recycled uniforms in the office. You can request a complete uniform policy from our office. 


All younger students should dress neatly and simply, in clothes not too good to risk stains. There will be some outside activity daily, therefore clothing should allow for free and comfortable physical activity. In Montessori, we promote independence in practical life activities such as dressing and toileting. In order to ensure your child is able to do this, we ask that your child be able to put on and remove his or her own clothing. Please avoid any clothing with fasteners, as some are frustrating for young children. During winter months and on rainy days, your child should have appropriate outerwear for outdoor activities. It is helpful to label outerwear to avoid loss of clothing.


Change of Clothing:


Younger children soil clothing often, therefore we ask that any child under 6 years have a complete change of labeled clothes (including underwear and socks) to be kept at school. If a set of clothes comes home soiled, please send a replacement the next Day.


“Hands-Free” Parenting….as Well as Driving


Bay On-Campus Cell Phone Use Policy


For your child’s emotional well-being, as well as their safety and that of others, please refrain from talking or texting on your phone when you are dropping off or picking up your child, visiting their classroom, and during Bay community meetings and school events.


If you need to take or make a call when on campus, first make sure your child is being safely supervised, be sure your vehicle is stopped and in “park,” and please be respectful of other families, children, and teachers who may become distracted by your phone conversation.


How Bay Handles Discipline


In our classrooms, we strive for peace amongst its members as lessons of grace and courtesy encourage an atmosphere of love and respect. Children and adults alike are treated with respect. The key to this atmosphere is the prepared environment, but even in a prepared environment there will be “non-peaceful behavior.”  Each child may differ in their ability to make correct choices. Some may need rules or controls that another may not. Thus, the importance of establishing clear ground rules so that children know what expectations are for their behavior. Each classroom at Bay develops guidelines for inside their room and each program has guidelines for outdoor play. 


Discipline at Bay is based on Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline approach as it closely aligns with the Montessori philosophy. Her approach shares a mutual respect for both child and adult and focuses on children becoming responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of their community.   To be a successful, contributing member of their community, students must learn necessary social and life skills. Bay staff members model grace, courtesy, respect, and problem-solving skills throughout their daily activities in the classroom. 


Violence or bullying will not be tolerated. Bay Montessori defines bullying as repeated acts by one or more students causing harm to another. Acts may be written, verbal, physical, or any combination thereof. Bullying is ongoing by nature and is a conscious desire to hurt, embarrass, exclude, or upset another. 


No child will be subjected to injurious treatment, corporal punishment, or physical punishment.


Our Commitment:


With respect to the Montessori approach and with a positive attitude towards children, the school will:


  • Make grace and courtesy an active part of the curriculum.

  • Create clear expectations and class routines with students.

  • Model respectful behavior.

  • Model appropriate interactions through role plays and problem-solving situations.

  • Assist students to work through conflicts proactively and independently.

  • Record behavior in a consistent manner on an Incident report form.



Discipline Procedure:


The natural consequence is the first and foremost method of discipline used at all age levels. When we allow a child to learn on their own with no interference from others, we have given the best gift we can give them. Our next most valuable methods of discipline are redirection and the use of logical consequences. Redirection is used to direct a child to more appropriate choices. This method is used regularly with children and is very successful with many children. Logical consequences are used for behavior and do require the intervention of the teacher. Typically, the teacher and student brainstorm what they feel might happen now because of the behavior/situation that has taken place. Logical consequences are not punitive; they are respectful, reasonable, and related to the event. These three methods of discipline are used to help the child develop inner limits. Sometimes staff may ask a child to visit another classroom for a time in hopes a different environment might have a positive effect on the choices they make. When doing so, they will often take work from their class or help a younger student with lessons. 


When there is a conflict between two children they are encouraged to talk together and listen in turn. They recognize how their actions have impacted the other person and talk about what they can do to help correct the situation or create a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved. 


Steps were taken when consequences and redirection have been used but are not effective:


  • If a child’s actions threaten the safety of others, the child will be removed from the classroom to the office and depending on severity, may be sent home.

  • If a child is unable to calm down, the child will go to a safe space outside (with a staff), the peace corner, or the art room.

  • When an incident occurs, the staff person involved will document the actions involved on an Incident Report form, discuss them with the parent, and have the parent sign the form.

  • If behavior becomes extreme and/or repetitive, the teacher will schedule a meeting with the parents and, depending on the circumstances, with the Assistant Head of School to establish a plan and develop consequences. 

  • If disruptive behavior continues, parents will be asked to seek outside resources for the child.


“Non-Peaceful Behaviors” otherwise known as, unacceptable behaviors at Bay:


  • Intentional verbal hurting

  • Exclusion/hurtful teasing

  • Aggressive physical contact

  • Threatening gestures

  • Intentional destruction of property

  • Repetitive leaving of assigned area


Parent Involvement


Bay families bring an abundance of talent, interests, and skills to our learning community, which creates a deeper and more diverse learning experience for students and enhances the school community in myriad ways. We invite you to become involved in Bay’s community through:


Classroom Visits:


Young children enjoy learning about cultures other than their own. They are also interested in learning about various occupations, hobbies, etc. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in sharing with a class, please let us know.




Parents, grandparents, and other family caregivers are invited and encouraged to observe their children at work in the Montessori classrooms. Upon arrival, we will give you some guidelines for observation in a Montessori classroom, which will help optimize your observation experience, as well as your child’s learning on the Day of your visit. In general, we do not schedule observations until late October, in order to give the children an opportunity to establish their daily learning rhythm and routine and build a cohesive classroom community. All persons interested in observing should contact the office to schedule.




To support the education of the children of our school community, we encourage parents to become active participants in the school by participating in various activities such as the Book Fair, Field Trips, Tree Lighting, Fall Festival, International Night, Our Community Gardens, and Field Day. Your participation is not only rewarding for you and your child but also supports our mission of setting an example for the children by building and serving our community.


Parent Education:


The school has several “Parent Gatherings” during the school year. These events are provided to support families as they navigate the role of parenting and to help them implore the Montessori philosophy at home. Included in these topics are curriculum nights that provide a greater depth of knowledge of the Montessori curriculum.


Use of the School Pool


Bay is blessed to have a pool on campus for the use of our students. Our pool is the size of a residential pool with the shallow end measuring 3 ft in depth and the deep end 5. A lifeguard is on duty at all times of use and a teacher is present to assist the group. All students ages 3 and older will participate in swim lessons during the summer camps. School-age students will swim during the month of September and May in the school program. A swim permission form must be signed annually for your child to swim. Non-swimmers will wear a coast guard approved life vests provided by the school. 






At Bay, we teach students to assume responsibility for their learning, behavior, and life choices. We invite the adults in our school community to be good examples of personal responsibility. Being punctual is an essential life skill, quality of character, and the mark of self-discipline. We expect adult members of the school community to be good examples of time management. Chronically late arrival for class diminishes a child’s learning experience, academic progress, and in some cases, their social standing in the classroom community. 


School starts at 9 am with drop-off beginning at 8:45 am. Elementary and Kindergarten students are to be dropped in the carpool line between 8:45-9 am. We encourage 3 and 4-year-old students to join our carpool line as well but do allow parents to walk their child to their classroom door. If you walk your child to class, we ask that you park in a parking space and establish a very brief drop-off routine with your child at the door.




Children will be seated at the benches and accompanied to their car in the carpool line for 3 pm dismissals at 2:45 pm. Upon arrival in the parking lot, please join the carpool line to pick up your child. During inclement weather, please park your car and pick up your child from their designated classroom. 


Parents picking up at 12 pm are asked to park and pick up their child from the appropriate location. A child will not be allowed to leave with anyone except his or her parents or the person designated on the emergency contact card unless the school is notified otherwise in writing. NO CARS can be parked between the signs on the fence at 3:10. The bus cannot get through if cars are parked there.


*Pre-Primary students are dropped off and picked up at the LCH porch.

*Infant/Toddler students are dropped off and picked up at the front doors of the LCH.


Late Pick-up:


Chronically late pick-up can have adverse emotional effects on children and is disrespectful to the supervising teacher who is then required to extend their workday beyond normal, contracted hours. If your child is regularly dismissed at 12 or 3 pm and you arrive late, your child will be taken to aftercare and you will be charged $25.00. If you utilize extended care and are late for pick-up, you will be charged $25.00 after 5:05 pm and another $5.00 for every 5 minutes thereafter. If you anticipate being late, please call the school as we know delays occur from time to time.


Late Arrival Sign-In:


 (Primary and Elementary only) Our teachers remain at the curb until 9 am to greet students and sign them in. If your child is dropped off after 9 am and teachers are no longer present at the curb, you MUST come to the office with your child and sign them in.


Early Sign-Out:


(Primary and Elementary only) If your child needs to leave school early (before 3 pm) please come to the office and we will arrange for their departure from the class.


School Closing:


There are times when the school must close early or for the entire Day due to inclement weather or other emergency situations. The school will announce closings on the school message machine, Facebook, Bloomz, text message, and email.




Your child’s birthday is a special event at Bay, as it is in your family. At school, we honor your child’s life and accomplishments in several ways. Our celebrations are about who your child is and how much learning and growing they have accomplished. You may be invited by your child’s teacher to provide pictures or a brief history of your child’s life. Parents are welcome to join the class for this celebration. Please keep balloons and party favors at home and we ask that you do not send birthday party invitations to school to be distributed. We want Bay students to focus on the experience of learning and building positive relationships – not on the hurt that can come from feeling excluded from a community activity or event. We also do not encourage inviting the entire class. 


Toys and Things:


Toys, gum, money, and candy should be enjoyed at home. Please do not allow your child to bring valuables or irreplaceable items to school or daycare. DS systems, cell phones, and other electronics are not permitted at school or in Before/Aftercare. We understand that children enjoy bringing things to share with the class, and the teacher will encourage certain items to be brought from home during the school year for Show and Tell, or special school events. Please understand that children are entirely responsible for the items they bring to school. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to find missing items.


Lost and Found:


Misplaced items that are found will be placed in the Lost and Found bin in the main office. At the end of the year, all items left at the school are donated to charity.


Pet Policy:


Some classrooms have pets, such as turtles, guinea pigs, or reptiles. We also have chickens located in a run on the campus and children do have access to them throughout the Day. 


Screen Time Policy:


Bay Montessori may show a movie to children 1-2 times a year for a specific holiday. These movies are age appropriate. The Elementary classes use computers and iPads for research purposes.


Infant/Toddler Specific Policies:




Parents of children enrolled in the Infant/Toddler Class are required to supply the following items: diapers, baby wipes, and anti-diaper rash ointment. Infant parents must also provide bibs, burping cloths, and anything else your child may require throughout the Day.


Teachers will notify the parents in writing when an item needs to be replenished.


Spills, accidents, and diaper leaks do occasionally occur with infants and toddlers. We ask that you keep a minimum of 2-3 changes of clothing at the school for your child. Every article of clothing should be clearly labeled with your child’s name. We encourage the toddlers to refrain from wearing onesies or any other clothing that requires the toddler to be completely undressed for diapering/toileting.


Infant Meals:


Infants must bring in all the foods they will consume throughout the Day. Parents must provide filled bottles for their infants. Bottles will NOT be prepared by the teachers. All bottles left at the center must have a cap on them. All bottles, caps, containers, lids, zip lock bags, snack packs, etc. must be labeled with the child’s name and date. All opened food jars, packages, and used bottles will be returned to parents at the end of the Day. Bottles will be rinsed and returned with documentation of the amount consumed. A heated bottle only partially consumed will not be reintroduced to a child nor will we wash and reuse the bottle, so please plan accordingly with the amounts of bottle feedings you provide.


For filled bottles to go into the bottle warmer, bottles must be solid or drop in “bag” type. If your child eats any other baby foods or finger foods, you must supply those as well, along with the necessary eating utensils (bowls, spoons, etc.) Only bottles will be warmed for infants; solid food will not be warmed. Sippie cups are NOT PERMITTED. Children at a young age are capable of learning how to use cups with practice. Infants nor toddlers will be permitted to lie down in their cribs or on their mat with a bottle. Infants that can hold their bottle may self-feed in a comfy area but not in their sleep area. Bay provides a space for moms to breastfeed throughout the Day and will freeze any expressed milk that is labeled and dated.


Toddler Meals:


Parents must bring in all the foods the children will consume throughout the Day. Bottles are NOT permitted in the Toddler class during activity time. If your child is thirsty during the Day, they may get water, or you may provide a filled water bottle. Sippie cups are NOT PERMITTED; children will use cups or a water bottle. Whole milk is served with lunch unless you request it not to be. If your toddler still takes a bottle, they may have this prior to nap in a comfy area but not on their rest mat. Parents must provide filled bottles, as bottles will NOT be prepared by the teachers. All bottles must have a cap on them to be left at the center. All bottles and caps must be labeled with the child’s name and date. For bottles to be heated in the bottle warmer, bottles must be solid or drop in “bag” type. A heated bottle, only partially consumed, will not be reintroduced to a child nor will we wash and reuse the bottle. Bottles will be rinsed and returned with documentation of the amount consumed. You will be informed if your child’s class is nut free.




Infants under the age of 12 months will sleep in a crib. Infants over the age of 12 months will sleep on a mat. Infants are not permitted to have blankets or any other toys in the crib with them. Toddlers may bring a small pillow or cuddly item to rest with. Crib and rest sheets will be provided and washed at Bay once a week (or more if needed). Sleep items, blankets, or stuffed toy, brought from home will be sent home on Fridays to be washed.

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