Lower Elementary - The First Great Lesson
Each Friday, I would like to share information with you about the Lower Elementary Montessori philosophy and curriculum. As part of my...

Montessori in the Home – Toddlers/Two’s
Our second parent gathering this month we discussed how to integrate the Montessori philosophy in the home for children of all ages....

Montessori in the Home - Primary
Our second parent gathering in September we discussed how to integrate the Montessori philosophy in the home for children of all ages....

STEM - Archimedes and the Golden Crown
Today we put the Archimedes principle to the test! We learned about the story of Archimedes and the Golden Crown...

STEM - Buoyancy
We began our discussion on BUOYANCY today! We explored how various objects sink or float, or neither! Some objects behaved in a more...

First Day of STEM
The class had a great time competing in the “Marshmallow Challenge” in three teams! We explored teamwork and leadership skills while...

STEM - WeDo Coding with Legos
In our STEM class, the students do WeDo coding with legos. The material is already engaging to young children, but when you add the...

Field Research
It’s a great opportunity for the students to observe living things in their habitat. The students get the chance to go outside as field...

Montessori - Math
In the Twos class, math isn’t explicitly taught. The math curriculum is based off of the children’s sensorial experience using concrete...

The Montessori Classroom
In our Montessori classrooms, we give children something concrete to hold so they can get the most understanding. When they are given...