Health & Wellness
Health and Emergency Information Forms
These forms must be completed and submitted to school before admission. Please notify the office, as soon as possible, of any change of address, phone number, e-mail or other information on the Emergency Contact Form. The Health Inventory Form requests health and immunization information from you and your child's physician. It is required before admission to the school. These forms may be transferred from previous schools.
Out of consideration for your child and other children, please keep your ill child home from school:
the first day of a cold or sore throat, as this is the most contagious time
when he or she has a persistent, deep cough
when he or she has a heavy nasal discharge
for twenty-four hours after his or her temperature returns to normal
for twenty-four hours after he or she had diarrhea or vomiting, if you suspect a virus or illness.
If your child comes down with a communicable disease, please notify the teacher. During the day, the teacher will notify the parent if the child needs to leave school due to illness.
Bay Montessori will only administer medication in an emergency situation (ex Epi-Pen). If your child is well enough to come to school but must take medication through the day, parents are welcome to come to the school to administer.
As with any medical condition, please notify the school if your child currently has or develops any allergy.
Emergency Care
In the event of an accident or sudden onset of illness, the school will not hesitate to seek proper care for a child. The child’s individual emergency instructions on file in the school office will be consulted immediately and the parents will be called. If necessary the child will be transported to the hospital by ambulance or emergency vehicle. The consent statement, signed by parents, will accompany the child so that treatment can be given immediately in the absence of the parent. It is vital you keep the emergency contact information in the office up-to-date
In the event of a minor injury, first aid will be administered by a qualified staff member and the child will be made as comfortable as possible. A written accident report will be filled out for any injury requiring first aid and the report will be given to the parent at the end of the school day. On occasion, parents will be called regarding accidents or injuries that do not require emergency care, but may require a parent's further attention, or for which a parent may want to seek non-emergency medical care.
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