Every gift to Bay Montessori School is greatly appreciated and contributes directly to the educational experience provided to our students. Our school is a child-centered learning environment based on the timeless philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori developed over 100 years ago. The Montessori approach is designed to inspire the child’s love of learning, develop each child’s unique potential, and empower every child to actively engage in our community. Your gift, of any size, immediately impacts the important work we do.
All of our outcomes are made possible through two primary sources of revenue: tuition and fees, and charitable donations. Thanks to sound sustainable business practices, tuition and fees consistently cover the costs of delivering high-quality education for our students. We will rely upon our generous community of parents, grandparents, friends, and community partners to provide the support that meets our remaining needs for capital improvements and financial aid.
Bay Montessori School also treasures the time and talent within our community. Parents are provided opportunities to donate their time and talent in many ways: volunteering with material making or serving on a committee, as a room advisor, field trip chaperone, reading volunteer, and more. We believe “it takes a village to raise a child” and welcome the partnership between home and school.
One time Donation
Make a one-time donation - Contact us for more information
Recurring Donation
Set up a small, monthly recurring donation through your bank. Contact us for more information.
Scan QR Code to donate via Clover
We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation and all donations are 100% tax-deductible
Answers to Questions About Donating to Bay Montessori School​
Who is asked for gifts?
Everyone in the school community—Board members, parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, as well as faculty and staff.
How much should I give?
What you give is entirely up to you. Every gift is important and appreciated. We hope you will join us in contributing at whatever level you are capable of giving.
We already pay tuition, why do we need to donate money to the school?
Like almost all independent schools, tuition does not cover the full cost of ensuring that Bay Montessori School is a place of excellence.
What kind of recognition will I get for giving?
Your gift will be acknowledged in the Annual Report of Giving, which will be distributed each year and lists all donors to the school. You can make your gift anonymously, if you prefer, by directing the office not to list your name.
Do other schools raise money or is this just something Bay Montessori does?
Almost every independent school in the country has an Annual Giving Program. It is an important tool to enhance children’s educational experience.
What is a matching gift?
Many companies will match charitable contributions by their employees. The company helps to support worthy causes and the employee can maximize the amount donated to the charity. Many Bay Montessori parents work for companies that have a matching gifts program—please check with your human resources department to see if your employer will match your gift. The Office is happy to help you with this process in any way possible.